Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Circle of Life Continues …..

Last week Sheri’s mother, Linda Knutson passed away. While not unexpected, her death was not anticipated. Sheri’s relationship with her mother, like my relationship with my father was distant prior to their passing. Life begins and ends on its own terms. We are just along for the ride. The ride includes joy, sadness, accomplishments and regrets.

The relationships we cultivate can be the source of our greatest fulfillment. Unfortunately all relationships do not enjoy equal success. Like seeds, they sprout and bloom. Without maintenance and care, they can wither and die. Some of those we love follow paths that lead them away from us. Expressing a bond to loved ones who have isolated themselves, while hoping for reunification feels like standing on uneven ground.  The more invested you are in a relationship; the more pain must be endured when things are stretched thin. I have experienced both joy of a successful reunification and the disappointment of complete detachment from a loved one.

Island Park has given Sheri and me a beautiful setting to cultivate the relationships that we hold so dear. The caldera also provides a little bait to hook the grandkids into a little non-electronic bonding time.  Floating down Box Canyon or Big Springs, hiking along the Henry’s Fork or sitting around the campfire burning marshmallows give us the opportunity to express our interest in those we love. Island Park has also given us opportunities to develop wonderful relationships with many residents of the high country. For those opportunities we are truly grateful.

We all live with the regret of relationships not salvaged. I choose to look back on those relationships and relive the good times that we shared. Focusing on the negative is neither healthy nor productive. I am grateful for the time that someone has shared with me, no matter how fleeting.

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